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Get Involved with Urban Forestry


As you may know, the Florida Urban Forestry Council, in cooperation with the Florida Chapter ISA and the Florida Forest Service, has developed invaluable public service announcements promoting trees for Florida.  The campaign is dedicated to promoting the use of a certified arborist, proper tree selection and placement, and positive storm/tree education. Press releases, radio, and television materials are available for your use at Trees4Florida.

Will you help to get the word out?  Could you call your local media contacts and ask them to release the materials? Or, contact your firm‚’s public relations professional and see if he or she might be able to assist? Television, radio, and newspaper are great media to get the word out about caring for Florida’s trees, a passion that we all share.


Become a FUFC Member

Television, radio, and newspaper are great media to get the word out about caring for Florida’s trees, a passion that we all share.

The Tree Tag
Florida Urban Forestry Counci
ISA Florida Chapter
Trees 4 Florida logo
Florida Forest Service
Display Booth Materials


The Council’s display booth has been traveling throughout the state, reaching out to old and new members.  If you have a new opportunity for the FUFC booth, please let us know!  Whether it is an outdoor environmental event or conference trade show, we want to help by providing information about the Council and Urban Forestry educational resources for citizens and communities.  As well, volunteers are always needed to man the booth as these events.

Stay informed. Get involved.

Join the Florida Urban Forestry Council today!

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