Kids Korner

Urban Forestry Resources for Kids

Learn more about trees using these urban forestry resources…

Kids Korner

The Florida Urban Forestry Council is thrilled to provide a Kids Korner – providing urban forestry resources for children, students, educators, young adults, and parents.

Plant a tree in the mind and heart of a child and you have effectively planted an appreciation for trees and urban forests for future generations.

Learning about trees will open tree-mendous opportunities. It can be fun, inspire a child in a lifelong hobby, and even lead to a career in forestry. Additionally, we hope it ensures a promising future for our urban forests.

The Kids Korner provides a variety of marvelous methods, tree-mendous tools, and a parade of programs designed to provide a better understanding about trees, forests and forestry careers.

Forester Cartoon
The best place to plant a tree is in the mind and heart of a child.

– Stump The Forester

Kids Korner Modules

The Kids Korner is divided into these three main modules that contain information and links about trees, urban forestry, and teaching resources.

Module I: Trees
Tree planting with children

Tree Anatomy:

Fun Tree Facts:

Tree Identification:

Did you know Florida has the most native tree species of any state in the U.S.? There are a lot of trees to identify! Here are some links to help you get started identifying trees: 

Benefits from Trees:

Planting Trees:

Growing Zones:

Why don’t all trees grow in Florida? Use these links to learn about the various growing zones located in Florida and the USA.

Module II: Urban Forestry
Children planting a tree

What is Urban Forestry?

Urban forestry is the care and management of trees, tree populations, and other vegetation in-and-around man-made settings. Urban forestry is relating to, and characteristic of, trees and forests associated with human structures and environments. An urban forest is not limited to a city’s dense urban core, but includes peri-urban, suburban, community, neighborhood, and rural areas. Urban forestry involves the planting and management care of trees and forest resources associated with human activities, environments, and settings. The urban forest is impacted and influenced by people and other factors, such as vehicles, buildings, pavement, utilities, animals, politics, zoning, and development.

Urban forestry promotes trees and forests as “green infrastructure,” and a critical part of built infrastructure and quality of life. Urban forestry strives to maximize the value and benefits of trees and tree populations and to minimize the risks, hazards, and liabilities of trees.

Urban forestry is a practice exercised by municipal, utility, commercial and consulting arborists, foresters, vegetation specialists, landscape architects, environmental policymakers, city planners, environmental educators, researchers, tree-care specialist, and advocacy groups.

More About Urban Forests:

Urban Forests Management, Stewardship, and Care:

Urban Forestry Careers

There are many careers within the field of forestry. The career choices are numerous from private tree care companies, consulting firms, utilities, municipalities, and other government agencies that care for trees and forests. If you love trees, you’re going to love your career!

Urban Forestry Careers Include:

  • Arboretums/Botanical Gardens
  • Arboriculture Consultant/Consulting Arborist
  • Commercial Tree Care Company (many positions within)
  • Extension Agent/Specialist
  • Forest Ranger
  • Municipal Arborist/Forester (many positions within)
  • Nursery Growers
  • Park Ranger
  • Outdoor Educator
  • Product/Equipment Manufacturing
  • Researcher/Educator
  • Urban Forester/Arborist
  • Utility Forestry/Arborist
  • Vegetation Management Specialist

Urban Forestry Career Resources

Module III: Teaching Resources
Child Resources for Trees


Teaching Resources:

Children’s Books:

  • Hello Tree It’s Me – a children’s book designed to inspire both children and adults to connect with “Trees as Habitats.”
  • The Magic & Mystery of Trees – by Jen Green, is a children’s book designed to explore the amazing natural science of trees for ages 7-9 years.
  • Trees Full of Wonder – by Anna Smithers, is an educational, rhyming book about the magic of trees for children.
  • We Walk Through the Forest – by Lisa Ferland, explores the magical world of the forest with a sing-along children’s book for ages 3-6 years.
  • The Seeking Tree – by Jodi Dee, tells the story of a young sapling and a girl’s efforts to save trees that disappeared through history. Written for ages 4-7 years.
  • The Lorax – by Dr. Seuss tells the story of the Lorax who “speaks for the trees.” Appropriate for ages 4-8 years.

Urban Forest Videos:

Urban Forestry Resources - tree identification
Tree Planting with Children

Stump the Student

Stump The Forester was once a student. His early postcards and letters tell of his younger years, before he became a formidable forester, an advanced arborist; a voice, promoter, and advocate for trees; a standout steward of forests; leader-hero of urban forestry; and a legendary member of the Florida Urban Forestry Council.

Stump The Student roamed throughout Florida. Trees and forests were the pillars and ceilings of inspiring classrooms. Trees were his mentors. Fledgling foresters, budding arborists, sprouting landscape architects, sapling educators, emerging researchers, valued volunteers, and witty wildlife were his friends and chosen classmates. Curiosity was a constant companion.

As with any legendary hero, Stump The Forester was first a student. Long days and sleepless nights were spent with books, papers, manuscripts, tablets, and notepads. Each day he studied. Far into the night he figured, pondered, and googled. He was not long in learning all about dendrology, biology, ecology, geology, hydrology, meteorology, entomology, taxonomy, sociology, humorology, and all the “ologies” worth knowing and learning.

Stump was always at his best when standing upon a stage of a stump. His hat would grow greener, his eyes would grow wild, his shoulders would stretch, and base tones could be heard in his voice. When on a stump, the young orator could pull clouds from the sky, chew up stones, whip his weight in wildcats, and look anybody in the eye. With his words, Stump would hold a spell over the minds of all the good people until they would forget about a world without trees and forests.

Day after night, night after day, Stump The Student would ponder, question, and think of every enterprise, industry, career, and occupation worthy enough of time, talent, and labor for a student steward; and worthy enough of a future leader-hero. Finally, his mind came to rest on urban forestry. He knew his life’s work would begin here. His future, our future, would be found in urban forestry.

(Stump The Forester is a regular Q&A feature column inside the pages of The Council Quarterly newsletter of the Florida Urban Forestry Council)

Stump the Forester - Kids Korner

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